Alex Knox is an evil puppetmaster, who currently is an anarchist Texan cowboy (how that works out I dunno) by day and a professed female stripper by night... Good mp3 blogs
Buked and Scorned
Moistworks Trrill Soul Sides Said the Gramophone Honey, Where You Been So Long? Spoilt Victorian Child breath of life Good blogs
Dwowop BeeBam Bob's Perspective AntiGinnie Bad Alex KTK lil' Z Some children spent their days outside SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN ![]() Humans use Opera |
Thursday, July 29, 2004
From the best tradition of Germany... I almost forgot, Make-up World forgot to post my testimonial for their marvelous "Terrorist" Mask, so we're going to have to create a mock-up here:
![]() I've been looking for a terrorist mask all day and thanks to Makeup World I finally found one. Makeup World's mask has a subtle simplicity which I didn't find at other stores. Other stores cluttered up their masks with obvious giveaways-but there will be no such crass gimmicks at Makeup World. No sir, you get right down to what makes terrorists terrorists: their race. I can't wait to wear my mask and show all my friends what a real terrorist looks like. Thanks Makeup World! Give them a hand folks! 6:48 AM Wednesday, July 28, 2004
In which Alex takes up your time and his I feel like updating, but I don't really have a real update in my, so I'll settle for an LJish detailing of things
One is that Mina Mina Wolverina has been borne of my aunt today. We expect great things of her, like mutant regenerative powers. Two, I added a link to my old website today. This was when the web was just starting to enter the main stream and every little town or what not was getting its own website, so I figured I would provide one for Atlantis. There's an extraordinarily detailed back story with fighting factions and made-up words, and to truly earn my geocities cred I made the design choice of Cosmet Cursors. Do NOT sign up for that, they're an evil service. I would change it but I like that site as it is. Oh and read the news backwards would be my recommendation. Read the History first, then the news, would be even better. And maybe the glossary. I guess I felt websites should be spread out, so you really have to go to every part for it to make much sense. Three, Zatoichi was a great man. In the land of the sighted the no eyed man is king. Four, looking over number one, did you know that born is the past tense of bear? It makes perfect sense when you think about it, but because you learn the words seperately you usually don't think of it like that. Five, I'm going to a Sufi school thing on Friday with Marika. I'm not sure what will happen, but I expect great things, like mutant regenerative powers. Six, I have found great joy in the Sabriel/Lireal/Abhorsen series. Ginnie recommended these to me way back in 10th grade, and then Kate again in 12th, and I've read other stuff about them, but it just took me quite a while. Then the other day the internet was out and I'd read all my books and I was upstairs crying and Rachel took pity on me and said, here, read this. And it was Lireal and it was wonderful and it was great. Seven, I mean past tense of the verb bear, not like some dead bear. Eight, I said this in the comments of it, but the Rumi post the other day was not written under the influence of any curry. I was just in a really good mood after reading some really good poetry. And whenever I'm really cheerful I'm also very nihilistic. Nihilists make better lovers. Nine, Bush is a punk ass chump. Love, Alex 3:39 AM Saturday, July 24, 2004
In which Alex takes a silly quiz Usually I hate taking little quizzes (I had a whole post about it, with art and everything, but I'm too lazy to go find it), especially when I'm at my parents house and I've gotten very little sleep (I actually managed to fall asleep while being dentistized). But! Samia has found a nice little quiz and managed to fill out everything exactly right because she is Supergirl, so I figured I would take it too:
01. Buy everyone in the pub a drink - no, I've never even bought a drink for myself in a pub 02. Swim with wild dolphins - sadly no but I did play games with some domestic ones once 03. Climb a Mountain - I have planted my flag on many mountains 04. Take a Ferrari for a test drive - nope 05. See the Pyramids at night - Argy made a Beeramid the other day. That's almost as majestic 06. Hold a tarantula - Yeah, that was neat 07. Take a candlelit bath with someone - taking baths with other people seems like one of those ideas that SOUNDS really great but just goes laughably bad. 08. Say 'I love you' and mean it - Yes! 09. Hug a tree - Hasn't everyone? 10. Do a striptease - omg 11. Do a bungee or parachute jump - omg 12. Visit Paris- sadly 13. Watch a lightning storm at sea - I've seen lightening storms over the sea, yeah 14. Clean behind the fridge - I've sort of picked behind it before. It wasn't very pleasant 15. Stay up all night long, and watch the sun rise - the first all the time (like, last night), but the latter I've never sat down and made my sole activity, no 16. Ask the/a question you've always been too embarrassed to ask. - I have to imagine so, but for the life of me I can't think of one off hand 17. See the Northern Lights - I've seen pictures! 18. Go to a huge sports game - yeah. That wouldn't be my anser if the question was 'Enjoyed a huge sports game' though. 19. Create your own masterpiece - I call him Alex 20. Grow and eat your own vegetables. Yes, tomatos with my parents. (I left Samia's answer but I've done this too) 21. Touch an iceberg - I've never even seen one. Isn't that sad? 22. Have an office relationship - sure, I've had relationships with people in offices. friends, acquaintances, bosses, you name it. 23. Sleep under the stars - well every night, but I guess they mean with no intermediaries, in which case I don't think I have, no 24. Compromise - short for 'Communist Promise', no, I am an American and will fight the Bolsheviks to the last man 25. Change a baby's nappy/diaper - alas 26. Take a rip in a hot air balloon - I'm not sure what this means, but no, no I haven't 27. Watch a meteor shower - Yah! 28. Get drunk on champagne - heh, I've gotten drunk on Sangria...that was good stuff 29. Take a luxury holiday - I'm not real sure what this means, but sure, yeah 30. Give more than you can afford to charity - No 31. Look up at the night sky through a telescope - why yes 32. Have an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment - I've had the former, but never really the worst possible moment. Unlike Mary Tyler Moore. That was a good episode 33. Have a food fight - well of course. I can't believe you said no Samia. Next time I see you I'm going to have to throw an orange at you. 34. Bet on a winning horse - i'm not a betting woman 35. Take a sick day when you're not ill - Oh yeah all the time in school 36. Get a pet - never all by myself, my parents have always been involved, but I've had plenty in my day 37. Ask a stranger out - Armed with my stunning powers of ultra-shyness, I've actually managed to avoid ever asking anyone out. 38. Have a snowball fight - Yeah though other people are always weiners and give up 39. Photocopy your bottom on the office photocopier - not yet, but someday, someday 40. Scream as loudly as you possibly can - Yee-hah! 41. Hold a lamb - In like petting zoos, yeah 42. Enact a favorite fantasy - I don't think so, but I don't think I have a favourite fantasy...I'm a very imaginative person 43. Take a midnight skinny dip - No I'm not a skinny-dipper in general. I'm not a fan of selective nudity, really. 44. Hear the words 'I love you' - Yes! 45. Fly on Concorde - No 46. Take an ice cold bath - Heh, yeah 47. Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar. - Not really meaningful, no...I'm just not quick enough to deal with beggars, or strangers in general. 48. See a total eclipse - Yeah, at least twice 49. Ride a roller coaster - I've even had fun doing this, though not too frequently 50. Hit a home run - Not to the best of my recollection 51. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days - Yeah man I have beat multiple video games that would take a lesser man WEEKS if not MONTHS to do in a few hardcore days 52. Dance like a fool and not care who's looking - I've danced like a fool, but only when I know I'm with friendly peoples or my sister 53. Adopt an accent for an entire day - No, but why not? 54. Visit the birthplace of you ancestors - Texas? 55. Have a grand romance with costumes and everything - I'm not actually sure what you mean, Quiz, but I'm going to assume no. But that doesn't mean I don't want to 56. Made up a screenname to stalk someone. - Nope, nothing but Tsrhynamio. When I want to check on someone I'll steal Bob's account real quick 57. Gone shopping for no reason. - I hardly ever go shopping even when I have a reason, lord but I hate shopping 58. Actually feel happy about your life, even for just a moment. - Yes! 59. Just be held - Yes! 60. Have an adventure where nothing goes as planned. - Yes! 61. Kissed someone you truly wanted to kiss - Yes! 62. Went clubbing and thought to yourself "I could out-dance them if I wanted to" - Yes! oh wait no that thought has never crossed my mind 63. Called your relatives by their relationship in another language - Tja 64. Have two hard drives for your computer - l33t m I 65. Cuddled - I had a teddy bear until at least 10th grade. I wonder what ever happened to him 66. Visited all 50 states - Nope 67. Love your job - It was never really love, but I've liked both jobs I've had. But I prefer not working 68. Taken care of someone who was shit faced - Oh yeah I've been on both sides of that equation, though much more the taking care side than the being taken care of one 69. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - money doesn't give true satisfaction. 70. Have amazing friends - God my friends rock 71. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country - I have never even danced with a stranger 72. Swim during a formal - I don't know what you mean 73. Stolen a sign - YES recently I've been stealing the real estate signs that are everywhere and taking the sticks they're built upon 74. Backpacked in Europe - Not in the way you mean, but I've walked miles with a backpack in Europe 75. Taken a road-trip - Sure 76. Rock climbing - I was in a rock climbing camp! It was fun. Not really a camp though 77. Nose piercing - this seems like it would be such a horrible idea 78. Midnight walk on the beach - Yah, yah 79. Sky diving - omg 80. Visit Ireland - I don't trust Irish 81. Saw what you wanted and did all it took to seize it. - yeah but never with anything of consequence 82. Fell in love then fell harder and faster from heartbreak. - Nope, not really. 83. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had lunch/dinner with them - who does this? 84. Visit and/or tour Japan. - No, nor do I really want to, though not as vehemently as I once did 85. Benchpress your own weight. - I'm gonna need a scale that reads too low and weights that read too high 86. Stolen from your parents - um, you know, change here and there, maybe I didn't spend just all the gas money on gas a few times, that sort of thing. Never anything real. 87. Alphabatized your records/ cd - ...no 89. Pretended to be a superhero - I've never pretended to be a superhero 90. Sang karaoke - No, happily. 91. Made someone cry for no good reason - damnit they deserved it 92. Lounged around in bed all day. - not all day 93. Posed nude in front of a room full of strangers. - no 94. Dressed sexy for no reason. - if by sexy you mean pirate and no reason you mean pirates rock then yes. constantly 95. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye - Baby, let's get it on 96. Kissed in the rain - Yes! 97. Played in the mud - Yes! 98. Played in the rain - Yes! 99. Gone to a drive-in theater - Yes! 100. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it... - this doesn't make sense. Of course not. If I should regret something, I would, presumably. 101. Visited the Great Wall of China - No 102. Fell in love with a job that has nothing to do with the degree you're pursuing. - oh yeah all the time 103. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog. - well not in a bad way but it can be sort of weird the people who read this thing 104. Dropped Windows in favor of something better. - Well sort of...Knoppix is better in some ways, but I still can't install anything, which is hard to live with 105. Started a business. - Lemonade, garage sales, you name it 106. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken. - Yes! 107. Toured ancient sites around the Mediterranean - No! 108. Taken karate. - No! 109. Swordfought for the honor of a woman. - yes. well, no, but i would. 110. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight. - Oh sure many times 111. Gotten married - Everybody is married to everybody, and I demand they act appropriately 112. Been in a movie. - I've graced the silver screen, yeah 113. LARPed - LA RP? 114. Loved someone you shouldn't have. - i don't believe in "shouldn't have" 115. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy. - i will. (she has) 116. Gotten divorced - no 117. Had sex at the office - no 118. Surprised yourself with a talent you didn't know you had - One day I could juggle 119. Been to Macchu Picchu - I don't believe in Macchu Picchu, though I think I did go in the DuckQuest computer game 120. Gone without food for 5 days - No 121. Never left the continental United States. No 122. Made cookies from scratch. - sho thang 123. Won first prize in a costume contest. - the fools will pay 124. Ridden a gondola in Venice. - gonnnDOLA GONDola 125. Gotten a tattoo - I want to on my back suggestions? 126. Got another tattoo the next day because you didn't feel balanced - I want to meet you 127. Find that the texture of some materials can turn you on - Yeah. Skin-material is a big one 128. Rafted the Snake River - No 129. Blazed it up at Burning Man Flipside. - someday 130. Gotten flowers for no reason. - they always have a reason! 131. Masturbated in a public place. - no nor will I 132. Gotten so drunk you don't remember anything. - not that I recall 133. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug. - Nope 134. Traveled the world. - Um well yeah I guess I mean what do you mean? 135. Performed onstage with a famous symphony orchestra. - omg 136.Been to Las Vegas - omg 137. Met Madonna - omg 138. Recorded music - In a sense 139. Eaten Shark - Yeah 140. Had a one night stand - I don't think this one's too likely 141. Gone to Thailand - My Mom used to live there, and I used to live in her, so sort of! 142. Courage to speak my mind - Yeah 143. Saw Robert Smith and Siouxsie live - banned from the Roxy! OKAY! 144. Bought a house - Nope 145. Earned my degree - I got a high school one, but it's pretty dubious that I deserved it 146. Broke my neck - Nope 147. Been in a combat zone - Nope 148. Buried my father - Nope 149. Earned a *living* through my creativity - Yeah that sounds nice 150. Visit the remaining continents on my list - what? 151. Took more than a month long vacation from a job. - In a sense, I'm doing that right now, except I was fired 152. Gotten so stoned, the fabric of the universe becomes visable. - Believe it or not I can see the fabric of the universe right now, I'm typing on bits of it 153. Moved 2000 miles away from 'home' and never moved back. - Nope 154. Move to a foreign country to live. - no country is foreign if you are a child of the earth. and no anyway 155. Learn to fly an airplane/ helicopter. - How hard could it be? 156. "Win" a fistfight - Yeah Argy is a pansy 157. Go horseback riding in the rain - there was the time I had to rescue my love from Ulysses S. Grant 158. Brag about your prowess in a geek activity - omg Alex u r0x0r 159. Earn an advanced degree - I once managed to bend all the way to 220 degrees 160. Play to a live audience - Yeah, a few piano recitals 161. Rescued a pet from the pound. - Nope 162. Created a piece of art for someone - I like writing poems. For Argy's birthday I made a card that had a l33t Jesus and a poem that went Jesus, Allah, Yahweh too Wish today to wish to you Happy Birthday Argy-poo! We at least believe in you I realise Argy-poo is a nickname no man should call another man, but when a man needs a rhyme he'll go to desperate measures 163. Signed with a record label - the fools will pay 164. Touched a giraffe. - Yep. they're pretty snotty 165. loved someone from afar - Yes! 166. gotten the role you've always wanted - I was Charlie Brown! 167. been whitewater rafting - omg 168. dyed your hair green - In 3rd grade I did this for St. Pat's 169. gotten published - Yep 170. sprouted wings - yeah but I couldn't fit through doors so I desprouted. 171. Dress the part - Yes 172. Lie to a complete stranger about absolutely everything for absolutely no reason. - sadly I have not 173. Make an outfit out of duct tape. - No this is a con propagated by the duct tape industry 174. Changed a dream while still dreaming it. - Yes! 175. Drank tequila in Mexico. - Nope 12:48 AM Monday, July 12, 2004
gleep! Rumi!
I just read Rumi all the way through which I had hitherto not done, teasing myself with a poem or a pretty picture at a time. crescendo now though and I have not been this high in ages, or at least months. there are people who look at how much I read and think this a fine thing indeed. what they do not realise is that reading is my vice, that I'm trapped in a maze of words and can't find my way out. I'm not calm because I'm in tune with the world, I'm calm because I'm so far removed from it, because I think with my head and not with my heart-except now, and now and again when I find some words that point the way out for at least a little while. I am in love with the world! I want to do so many things. I want to start my own science, my own language, to write odes that are utterly undecipherable to things no one cares about. aluminum foil is prettier a diamond. everything is bouncing and everything loves me and I love them. let the world die let us all die. we could not live without tedium-if the world felt as I did, if there was a Church Of The Catholic Orgasm and everybody realised they were a member nothing would get done-we would dance and sing and poetrate and gyrate and nobody would be filling out their tax forms or doing their stupid jobs. the world has been on its deathbed for centuries now, let's go like Aldous Huxley and inject some lsd as we do. the joy of armageddon. all the people of all the world holding hands and singing and dying and we'll all go on a big field trip to the pearly gates and when we get there they'll throw us out for being too raucous so we'll start our own heaven and God will leave heaven and join us and together we'll be together. declare war on all the world and you win. declare peace with all the world and you win. but you can't compromise between these two - pirate or christ, there is no middle ground. they are both noble paths dedicated to subjective living but in between lies right and wrong - those are the two hands cops use to beat you, they use to win. but they've lost! they can't win! all the judges and cops and bureaucrats and priests and their ilk in the world can't stop an individual who has deviduated, a True Human Being, a bodhisattva, a saint. their honey is sour and their sticks are empty. over us they hold no sway. alas I am only temporarily autonomous. but that's all I can be. even now I feel myself falling back to sleep, it's hard to stay that awake, that real, that in the moment. listen to your own breath. I have read millions of words but I can not remember one breath I took while doing so. your breath is God talking. all the answers are there if you listen. love, Alex 3:34 PM Thursday, July 01, 2004
I have to pack so I'm just going to do a quick list of things
1) I lost my hippy job, wasn't making standard. Sad, but I'll get another hippy job in a week or so, and it gave me time to play lots of 2) Viewtiful Joe, which is easily the best game ever in all the universe. Sadly I had to return it today because I'm 3) going to Seattle tomorrow. Have to drive up to Houston to do so, sadly, 4) my car is totally dead. I'm going to donate it to the SPCA. So right now I get to 5) take a 4 hour bus ride to Houston. All in all I'm 6) going to be spending about thirty hours over the next week in transit (4 hours to Houston, at least 6 to Seattle, 8 to Idaho to see my Samia, 8 back, 6 back, 3 back...35. sigh). To this end, 7) my reading list is 10 books long. Hopefully I can get a few of those finished. I just 8) finished the Artemis Fowl series, and those were terrific. So that more or less sums up recent events. Wish I had time for a more comprehensive update, perhaps with vague ruminations and half thought out rants, but I have to go ride the bus for hours and hours. 3:40 PM |